
Special Unlimited Time Offer!

FREE shipping of a FREE pic of the FREE tee that ONLY YOU can FREELY send to Dr. Strangejob. Uncertain conditions apply.

It started with a gift from a friend, but is now an official collection. Contact the Doctor if you want to add to his selfie library. You will be lauded for your efforts and the Doctor will get out of laundry duty for yet another day.

Thanks to Gwen for the first tee in the collection –  Kurt Vonnegut’s Breakfast of Champions. Vonnegut is the Doctor’s favorite author and one of the three inspirations for Dr. StrangeJob. The other two being the book The Peter Principle and the film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stopped Worrying and Love the Bomb. Now you know were I got the title for my manuscript in progress – Dr. StrangeJob or: How I Learned to Stop Raging and Embrace the Bull.

The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger is a 2011 horror flick straight out of the 80’s. The Doctor had the pleasure of interviewing the  Psychotic Forest Ranger for his The Pyro and the Psycho: SKL Rekindled blog. Special thanks to Mick for this one.


Thanks to goCapeBreton.com, otherwise known as the place to go for all things Cape Breton. You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to checkout the Doctor’s posting on the 12+1 Steps of Incompetents Anonymous under the humor section.

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